Erick served in United States Military right after high school for six years. During those years and having a mentor periodically mail over finance books like “ Rich Dad Poor Dad “ The Intelligent Investor “ a train of thought emerged. During going to college on his GI bill his first venture occurred in Airbnb running separate properties in Miami Beach producing six-figure revenue. Two distinctive problems kept coming time from to time. First was a lack of cash to expand when an opportunity arose and second the clientele was counteractive to the business plan.

Fast forward to today from trial and error Magic City Lending's mission statement is to keep the cash faucet open for small business owners and provide them the marketing to bring in the demographic audience that maximizes profitability. With partnerships across many facets of industries mortgages, real estate, or business funding be assured you will have options. If capital is not the issue, instead need to bring in your own clients compared than buying leads or using outdated marketing techniques. We are affiliated with some of the industry's well know marketers like the Basic Banana and the Loan Broker Network. Whichever you need to get cash or get clients we can help you with that. Times can change and the world can look completely different from yesterday but two things in business are always going to stay true. Cash keeps doors open and new clientele make empires.