Advocating for creative communities and entrepreneurs.

Headquartered in Miami, Florida Magic City Lending LLC represents creative clients from all walks of life. Our firm specializes in all Business funding, real estate, and mortgage matters, from the seed of an idea to the final product.

Whether you’re a musician, designer, engineer, or small business owner, we will not only fund what you create, but we’ll also help it thrive in the world. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.

Contact Us

78 sw 7th street
Miami, FL, 33130
(305) 560-8628

Areas of Practice

Business Funding

America’s backbone is the small business operators and merchants. Here at MCL, we prioritize keeping capital available to our unsung heroes of capitalism through revolving credit, term loans, and equipment financing to name a few of our products. Schedule a call to qualify for one or more of our services and experience our boutique white glove service.

Real Estate

Do you have real estate that causes more headaches than profits? We understand life happens our plans do not pan out as expected. Divorce, Death, Liens, Judgments, Relocation, Bad Investment, Uncle Sam is at your door. Got you covered, we have cash buyers, Land developers, and investors that will get your property off your hand with a profit. Still want to keep the property, no worries. We can help with creative options even in a sticky situation. Book a call with a financial advisor right away and get that burden off your shoulder.

Lead Generation

There are two things you need to succeed in business, capital, and customers. When the cash runs out doors close, that’s why bringing in customers is the single most important thing every business needs to keep the doors open and expand into its next phase. Here at MCL, we provide insight on generating your own clients through digital means and conventional too. Do not be held hostage by buying leads from providers that sell you aged leads or worse fake ones. Take control and farm them yourself and get those ROI’s you always dreamed of.


A common theme many business owners run into with any mortgage is a high probability of being denied due to being an LLC or self-employed. Traditional banks have high & restrictive guidelines to accept an applicant and having a stable income is one of them. Entrepreneurs take risks in nature, why should they be penalized for this natural trait? At MCL, we provide revenue-based mortgages where your previous year’s tax or a job is not required. All you need is your company’s bank statements to determine the amount you can qualify for. Now you can breathe easy on your next call with your CPA.

“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.”

– Edmund Burke

Get in Touch

Have any questions in getting funding for your business or our creative real estate financing please leave an email or call 10am to 5pm est Monday - Friday.